Thursday, November 5, 2009

Juan Cubillas escribio: Eres lo que piensas que eres. Como te ves a ti mismo, asi veras el mundo. Lo que piensas se manifiesta. Es tu actitud la que determina todo lo que te sucede.Lo que te ocurre en la vida obedece a tus creencias y lo que expreses en palabras.Tienes el poder de escoger el pensar negativa o positivamente, pesimista u optimistamente. Pensar lo feo y lo malo (que produce lo feo y lo malo) o pensar lo bello y lo bueno, que produce lo bello y lo bueno, en lo exterior o interior. Juan Cubillas wrote: You are what you think you are. As you see yourself, you will see the world. What you think is obvious. It's your attitude that determines everything that happens to you . What happens in your life reflects your beliefs and what is said in words .You have the power to choose to think negatively or positively or optimistically pessimistic. Think ugly and evil (which causes the ugly and evil) or believe what is good and beautiful, which produces the beautiful and the good, in your exterior and interior.

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